Richardson Dentistry is dedicated to ensuring that our patients receive safe, comfortable and anxiety-free dental care. That’s why we provide sedation dentistry to our patients—a technique used to provide a relaxing experience for those receiving dental treatment.
Dental phobia is all too common, and sedation dentistry is especially helpful for those who suffer from it. Our friendly staff and experienced dentists combined with sedation dentistry allow individuals with severe anxiety the opportunity to relax and cast aside their dental phobias. It gives them an opportunity to change their perception about going to the dentist.
Another major benefit to sedation is the perception of time. Patients often feel like the procedure lasted only a couple of minutes, when it may have taken hours to perform. This allows for complex dental procedures to be completed in fewer appointments rather than multiple trips.
For some patients, a visit to the dentist can be physically uncomfortable—whether it’s because of a strong gag relax, difficulty breathing during treatment, TMJ problems or difficulty keeping their mouth open during lengthy procedures. In these cases, sedation dentistry makes the experience much more comfortable.
If you think you would benefit from sedation dentistry please contact us today and we will get you scheduled for your next appointment.
We look forward to meeting you. Please call (972) 690-8617 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.